Daily Confession for total Divine Victory
TODAY, I Olubankole Omotayo Olubamise hereby declares:
My heartfelt gratitude to God for His divine grace to see a brand new day/month/year.
This day/month/year its my time of Divine Victory and it shall be a Jubilee unto me
I receive the blessings of Jubilee-Liberty, Complete restoration, Family restoration, Rest, Increase, Freedom, Safety, Divine Protection, Fruitfulness, Satisfaction, Divine Fulfillment, Commanded Blessing, Multiple Harvest, Overflow in every area of my life in Jesus name.
Today, I break forth into singing, because I have joy, peace and prosperity
I enlarge my vision, because my God shall supply all my needs by Christ Jesus
I break forth on the right and on the left and my seed shall inherit the gentiles, for the Lord shall make me a light unto the gentiles and I will carry His salvation to the nations of the earth
I have, live and walk by faith and refuse to fear, what can man do unto me, for God is with me, therefore no weapon formed or fashioned against me can prosper and every tongue that rises against me is hereby condemned, for this is my heritage, for I am God’s servant
Today, I forget the shame of my past and focus on the glories of my tomorrow, for I shall not be put to shame for my Maker is my Father and my Husband, the Lord of Hosts is His name, the Holy One of Israel, the God of the whole earth
From today, His everlasting kindness shall not depart from me, neither shall the covenant of His peace be removed from my life, business and ministry. By His Blood, I receive the mercy and the unlimited grace of God, my Redeemer.
Today, the LORD, shall rebuild my city with precious stones; for my foundation He will use blue sapphires. My fortresses shall be built of rubies, my gates of jewels, and my walls of gems.
My Children (physical and spiritual) shall be taught of the LORD and great shall be their peace.
In righteousness, I shall be established; and be far from oppression, for I shall not fear of terror, for it shall not come near me.
Whosoever shall gather together against me shall fall for my sake, for the Waster shall destroy them and their agents
My light shall break forth today like the morning, my health shall spring forth speedily, righteousness and the glory of the Lord shall protect me.
Today, the Lord shall guide me continually, and satisfy my soul in famine, make fat my bones and make me like a watered garden, a spring of water, whose waters shall not fail.
I am a seed of Abraham, therefore, I enter consciously into the covenant of Abraham, Isaac and Israel. I therefore shall live long and die the death of a righteous man at a ripe old age. I will leave inheritances for my children’s children unto the fourth generation. I am a great grandfather for I shall see my children’s children
As a Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I receive impartation of His power by the Holy Spirit to do miracles, signs and wonders by the Word of God. My Ministry is a global ministry, impacting the nations, affecting multiplied millions of souls for the Kingdom of God. I receive provision for God’s vision for my life and ministry
Today, Great and effectual doors open unto me across the nations. I posses the gates of my enemies, and frustrate the counsel of hell over my ministry. The sons of wickedness shall not exert against me. I put on today, the whole armour of God and withstand the attack of the enemy, I spoil principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, spiritual wickedness in high places and their human agents, triumphing over them by Christ Jesus
Let time be reversed for me today. Every Dial of Ahaz against me is hereby reversed. Every opportunity lost is hereby renewed. I step out today into abundant prosperity, spirit, soul and body. I carry with me today a wisdom and a voice that cannot be contradicted. The Angel of His presence, the Lord of Hosts is my companion and advocate in all transactions this day and always.
Today, I receive Divine Favour to be acceptable to all men, women and institutions. Just as Jesus, I have Favour with God and with man for I am a joint heir with the Son of God, by His shed blood I can cry Abba Father!
Thank you my Father. To Him that is able to do, exceedingly, abundantly, and above alone be the Glory, the Honour and the Majesty.
Let God Arise and let His / my enemies be scattered!