2010 is our Year of Divine Victory.
In 1 Corinthians 15:57-58 the Bible says 57 But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. (KJV)
Divine Victory is when God Himself takes over the battle, fights and grants us victory in the battles of Life. In 2010 as we face the challenges of this time of human history - economic down turn, natural disasters, rejection, loss of jobs, family upheaval among many others. In addition daily life challenges, we face attacks from the demonic realm through their agents. In all of this, it is possible to become overwhelmed and give up! But this is what we cannot and must not do. God has stepped in to give us the Victory!
The challenges may be many but we have a Great God! He is perfectly in control. He has gone ahead of us into 2010 and grants (giveth- a present continuous term) Victory over whatever challenges we face. That is why verse 58 of our text is crucial. It defines what our attitude should be to challenges in 201:
1. Be Steadfast - stand firm and stare down the adversary-no retreat, no surrender.
2. Immovable - don't doubt the truth of Gods words to you this year-wait for their timely manifestation.
3. Always abounding - Increasing in your service for God, never decreasing, always pressing on.
4. Labour in love- everything you do, let it be done because you love Jesus.
5. Be Expectant- you will not serve God in vain!
Whao, 2010 is full of testimony, because God is doing the fighting, we are claiming the Victory on every side. Don't be despondent, be fired up. What would you do, if you know you cannot fail. in 2010 you cannot fail. God will fight for you and you will hold your peace.
Go on out there and fight, your victory is guaranteed. Start that new business, take that exam again, get on that journey, make that application. God will give you victory in Jesus name.